The Administrative Core (AC) will serve to connect participants and institutions across the research ecosystem, facilitate research and infrastructure collaborations, and communicate opportunities and statewide R&D successes. The main objective of this core is to enhance and sustain jurisdiction-wide research administration.
Enhance and sustain jurisdiction-wide research administration: We will develop a proposal team that
can assist all researchers in pre-post award grants management. We will also host grant writing academies specifically targeting faculty who do not have extensive experience. The creation of this “Research Admin SWAT” team will allow for networking between the positions to support each institution and to grow/enhance partner research administrative capacity to help faculty across the state.
Serve as a bridge for research opportunities and EPSCoR communications across
the state: A primary goal of the AC is to serve as a connecting bridge between researchers and opportunities available to support their work through Communication and Dissemination and the Strengthening Partnerships for Advancing Research Capacity in Delaware Summit.
Administer Seed Funding, Fee Waiver, and Innovation Discovery Award Programs: In partnership with the RSC and the EPSCoR State Committee, the AC will oversee and manage:
● Fee waivers for laboratory use across the state to enhance access and strengthen research results.
● Seed funding for use-inspired research projects to multi-institutional and cross-sector teams that spark
new and potentially disruptive scientific advancements, synergistic collaborations, and economic
● Annual Innovation Discovery Awards to reward researchers who participate in innovative research and
are at the cusp of transforming their research fields. The awardees will be honored at the annual
Celebrating Innovation Event hosted by the Office of Economic and Innovative Partnerships