Delaware hosts numerous EPSCoR programs focused on enhancing research infrastructure, fostering collaboration, and advancing STEM fields like environmental sustainability, renewable energy, and biotechnology.

Benjamin Jungfleisch tiny magnets

DE EPSCoR Programs


NASA EPSCoR objectives are to:

  • Contribute to and promote the development of research infrastructure in EPSCoR jurisdictions in areas of strategic importance to the NASA mission.
  • Improve the capabilities of the jurisdictions to gain support from sources outside the NASA EPSCoR program.
  • Develop partnerships between NASA research assets, industry, and EPSCoR jurisdictions’ academic institutions.
  • Contribute to the overall research infrastructure, science and technology capabilities, higher education, and/or economic development of the jurisdiction.

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement-Focused EPSCoR Collaborations Program. The FEC program builds interjurisdictional collaborative teams of EPSCoR investigators in scientific focus areas consistent with NSF priorities. Projects are investigator-driven and must include researchers from at least two RII- eligible jurisdictions with complementary expertise and resources necessary to tackle those projects, which neither party could address as well or rapidly alone.

EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement : EPSCoR Research Fellows provides opportunities for non-tenured investigators to further develop their individual research potential through extended collaborative visits to the nation’s premier private, governmental, or academic research centers. 


The U.S. Department of Energy’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (DOE EPSCoR) is a federal-state partnership program designed to enhance the capabilities of designated states and territories to conduct sustainable and nationally competitive energy-related research.

News & Highlights

DE-EPSCoR in the News highlights the latest advancements, research breakthroughs, and collaborative efforts driven by the Delaware EPSCoR program. From groundbreaking scientific discoveries to strategic funding initiatives, this section showcases how DE-EPSCoR is fostering innovation, strengthening research infrastructure, and supporting workforce development across the state.

Efficient, sustainable next-generation AI

Efficient, sustainable next-generation AI

The human brain is an astonishing organ, as any neuroscientist can attest. And its ability to collect, store, analyze and use information is intriguing to physicists, engineers and computer scientists, too.

New EPSCoR administrator

New EPSCoR administrator

Amy Slocum is the newly appointed director of the Delaware Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research.

EPSCoR Summer Scholars

EPSCoR Summer Scholars

Delaware EPSCoR is accepting applications for summer research internships. Applications for the 2019 EPSCoR Summer Scholars research internship program for undergraduates are now being accepted via an online form and are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 15.

Advancing Environmental Research

Advancing Environmental Research

Participants in Delaware’s Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) gathered alongside state leaders and community partners on Friday, Jan. 11, to celebrate the launch of a new five-year, $23-million grant to further expand environmental research in the First State.