Research Support Core

The Research Support Core (RSC) will create a statewide network of technical expertise to broaden research participation at all institutions in the state and industry partners through improved research support and service. The RSC will further develop state-of-the-art data networking infrastructure and enabling technologies.

Enhance RSC Data and Computing Infrastructure Statewide: To expand upon the data and computing infrastructure in the state, we will build on an advanced UD and partner institution infrastructure, including high-performance computing, research data storage, advanced networking, AI/ML innovations, and human resources that catalyze and integrate data-intensive and computational research. The datasets will be universally available by providing a managed data pool that allows access for Delaware research projects with specific requirements. Additionally, data and information generated from Delaware research projects including DEEPSCoR RISE will be made available for real-time visual analytics and management decisions to support the long-term sustainability of our efforts.

Broaden understanding and utilization of advanced cyberinfrastructure resources and computational techniques: the RSC will provide targeted training for researchers and students, both through virtual sessions as well as on-site workshops. This training will not only target regional infrastructure but also national resources available through ACCESS, Open Science Grid, National Research Platform, and others. To facilitate this, the RSC will take advantage of existing training available through ACCESS, CARCC, OSG, and Software Carpentry, which will also aid in better awareness of these resources among SPARC-DE partners.

Stimulate research innovation and broaden participation in STEM: We will stimulate research innovation and broaden participation in the research enterprise by hiring a DSU IP specialist who will work directly with faculty to capitalize on their innovations.

Coming Soon: Through EPSCoR E-CORE, seed funding, core fee waivers and innovation discovery awards are available to support faculty research activities across the state. The applications must align with and support S&T Plan priorities (DE S&T Plan, 2024) and will be encouraged to include the involvement of HBCU, industry, and Primarily Undergraduate Institution (PUI) researchers.