A major goal of Delaware EPSCoR program is to help the State’s economy by attracting students to science and technology careers and by catalyzing the development of advanced technology-based businesses and new jobs. EPSCoR’s emphasis on collaboration with government agencies, industry and nonprofit organizations is one way the program makes an impact on the State’s economy.
EPSCoR also has a relationship with the University of Delaware’s Office of Economic Innovation and Partnerships, which helps file patent applications and provides business development mentoring to EPSCoR network faculty.
Stimulate statewide access to and participation in entrepreneurial training and workforce development (Spin In): An initiative to contribute to the development of the 21st Century Workforce by providing teams of undergraduate students with an experiential opportunity in entrepreneurship by engaging in the solution of real world business problems within a real world entrepreneurial environment is well underway. The purpose of the initiative, called Spin In®, is for early stage entrepreneurial companies to spin in their promising innovative ideas to the university, in situations where they don’t have the resources or expertise to develop the ideas on their own. establish a strong economic development/work force development track is well underway.
Engage students and faculty in STEM-centered research, exploration, and education: Provide opportunities for undergraduates, graduates, and faculty to work closely in the discovery of solutions to complex problems across disciplines, resulting in improved durable and technical skills for the marketplace. The tools necessary to enhance skills for students will be provided for instruction and training across disciplines such as Data Analytics, Information Technology, Cybersecurity, Finance, Marketing, HR, and Statistics. Student-focused support, such as professional certifications, conference attendance, or research training opportunities will be considered for qualifying students.
Engage undergraduate students in research statewide: Provide undergraduate students from across the research enterprise with the opportunity to participate in summer research experiences aligned with Delaware S&T priority areas and EPSCoR research projects.