Delaware EPSCoR is accepting applications for summer research internships. Applications for the 2019 EPSCoR Summer Scholars research internship program for undergraduates are now being accepted via an online form and are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 15.

The Delaware Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, or EPSCoR, has funded more than 350 undergraduate research internships at
the University of Delaware, Delaware State University, Wesley College and Delaware Technical Community College since 2004.

The program takes place over a 10-week period in the summer beginning in June. In addition, to completing an independent research project, interns
participate in skill-building seminars on such topics as attending graduate school, research ethics and making a research presentation.
EPSCoR Summer Scholars typically present their work via posters or presentations at UD’s Undergraduate Research and Service Scholar
Celebratory Symposium, held in August. Interns also receive a stipend of $4,000.

Rising sophomores, juniors and seniors are eligible. Students with an interest in climate, sea level rise, water quality, land use, soil contamination
and remediation, environmental sensing and monitoring, economics, ethics, or environmental policy are especially encouraged to apply. Students can
review specific projects being offered this summer as well as the specific start date on our new EPSCoR WiCCED website